Friday, October 22, 2004

Teresa Heinz Kerry Ticks me Off!!!

Ok, I just read a USA Today Article (which I posted on Parenting Bytes Blog), that really had me fuming. Little Miss Wanna Be First Lady Said She thought Laura Bush never had a real job, then apologized for the comment after realizing Laura Bush had been a school teacher for 10 yrs. What she failed to mention was the fact that our Precious First Lady was also a stay at home mom. Studies have shown that being a stay at home mom is equivalent to TWO FULL TIME JOBS. I sure don't think Heinz Kerry qualifes as a first lady...she seems so crude and worldy, and has NO CLASS. Laura Bush is like royalty in my eyes, delicate, poised, respectible. Please Vote For Bush/Cheney in 2004 and Keep Laura Bush as our first Lady.
To access Heinz Kerry article, go here: