Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Here is what I did a few weeks or more ago for the boys... Their rooms were constantly a mess, It would take me hours to clean them, because the kids wouldn't clean them the way I wanted them. So, I decided I wasn't gonna do it anymore, no more two rooms to clean....here is what I did:

I put both the boys beds in one bedroom, and their dressers and clothes in the room with the beds...so now they share a bedroom with bunk beds. Prior to doing that, they had both had tv's in their bedrooms, and I had problems with getting them to go to bed at night, they would sneak and watch tv, or play with toys. So, by putting the bunk beds together in the "bedroom" with no toys, and no tv, it is great, they go to sleep no problem, they are a little 'chatty' some nights but not like before. Before, my four year old would be awake til dawn watching tv and playing, I was at my wits end. So now, they have a playroom, all the toys are in there in two different toy boxes, there are two tvs, one hooked up to video games, and one hooked up to dvd/vcr player. So each night before bed, I say, "ok, time for bed, lets go clean up the toy room" then they brush their teeth and etc, and I put them to bed. I can tell ya, after the first night or two of them having to pick up their own toys in the playroom, they now keep it very clean on their own, only a little bit of toys taken out at a time, cause they know they will end up having to pick them up. I don't know what motivated me to do all this, but I am so glad I did it. I get to go to sleep earlier and spend quite time with my husband watching tv or talking without the kids getting out of bed and playing with toys. Posted by Hello