Friday, December 02, 2005

Well, it sure has been a long time since I have is what I have been going through lately...
I went to the doctor on tuesday, and found out I had two fibroid tumors. The doctor suggested removing them via a hysterectomy. Well, I really don't feel comfortable with that. She also did an endometrial biopsy while I was there....OOOUUUCCCHHH! I was in so much pain during the biopsy that I tensed my body up so much that by the time I got myself home I started having spasims in my lower back, so I have been mostly in the bed for the past couple of days.
I find out the results of the biopsy in two weeks. I am currently looking for natural remedies for fibroids. Please pray for God to remove these fibroids with a natural remedy and for the results to be good on the biopsy. Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

I am sorry to hear about your situation I will keep you in my prayers. I know how much prayers can help. I dont know what i would do with out god in my life. Write me anytime and I will be glad to talk.