Friday, March 16, 2007

Kids say the sweetest things...sometimes :-)

I was at the grocery store with Elijah and Christian the other day. The boys were talking to each other but I really wasn't paying too much attention. We were getting produce when I heard Elijah say...."I am going to go all the way to the edge of space, maybe Heaven is there, then I can see grandma. I miss her, and I am gonna bring my video games" (she used to play video games with the boys) That was the cutest most sweetest thing I have heard in the longest time. I assume they were playing make believe or something, he likes to walk around the house with a piece of paper saying it is his map and he is trying to find his space ship, imaginative boy, lol. Crazy kid says he wants a house as big as super walmart so he can have more adventures, lol.
I just wanted to share his sweetness with ya....cause they are starting to be few and far between, lol.