Sunday, January 08, 2012

Note to my friends and Spring 2012 Semester

Well, I made decisions at the end of last semester that I didn't get to share with all my friends. With finals in the first week of December, and a car accident that has left my neck screwed up, I was in a lot of pain so I haven't been out much. We had Christian's birthday the next weekend, and the following week still not feeling well and ended up with a double ear infection. To top it all off, we got a stomach virus before our Christmas trip which lingered a few days after Christmas. With all the pain and sickness I still managed to have a great Christmas. It was a crazy as hell month, which ended in a fabulous New Years party. If I had not had so much going on, I would have been around. So, please don't be pissed at me for being busy, sick and in pain. :-)
Anyhow, to the updates on school. I decided to double major. I am turning in the paperwork on Wednesday. I will be a Humanities and English Major. I just love my Humanities teacher, Dr. Barnet, she is amazing. She thinks I should go on the Summer study abroad program for 14 days in the summer. So, if I can get the funding, I will be spending two weeks in Rome and Greece! Friends please pray I can make this happen. I will go to the study abroad office this week and get more info on the trip.
Please check often for updates. I will try to blog more to work on my writing skills. :-)