Friday, December 02, 2005

Well, it sure has been a long time since I have is what I have been going through lately...
I went to the doctor on tuesday, and found out I had two fibroid tumors. The doctor suggested removing them via a hysterectomy. Well, I really don't feel comfortable with that. She also did an endometrial biopsy while I was there....OOOUUUCCCHHH! I was in so much pain during the biopsy that I tensed my body up so much that by the time I got myself home I started having spasims in my lower back, so I have been mostly in the bed for the past couple of days.
I find out the results of the biopsy in two weeks. I am currently looking for natural remedies for fibroids. Please pray for God to remove these fibroids with a natural remedy and for the results to be good on the biopsy. Posted by Picasa

Sunday, October 30, 2005

It has been a little over a month since losing mom...still hard. The first dream I had about her was about two weeks ago, I was standing with her and my father, and I was grabbing her hands, rubbing them, telling her she was beautiful and kissing her face, and telling her "Please don't leave me." Over and over again I kept saying this...she and dad walked ahead in the crowd, I kept losing sight of her, and kept saying "Please don't leave me," but she did. The next dream I remember I was sitting next to her, she looked beautiful, and I was telling her about the dreams I had about her, and she just sat there smiling at me, not saying a word. Then I had a dream about her last night. I was with her, in her room, and she was pretty and didn't look sick at all. I was crying and holding her hand, and I said to her, maybe we would have had you with us for a little longer if you hadn't had the chemo. (she died three days after her first chemo treatment) And she said to me..."no you wouldn't have. The crazy thing, in my head in the dream, I was thinking, why am I saying this, she isn't dead. When I woke up I had a some peace...I guess deep inside I felt guilty that we insisted on chemo and then she died...she was bad off, stage 4, the cancer encased her aorta and was in her liver too. I sat on her bed beside her the night before she passed, rubbing her back, her telling me how good dinner was, and telling me I needed to have a baby girl. Elijah walked in her room, the look on his face was total shock at the way grandma looked, I quickly ushered he and his brother out of the room. The poor boys were awakened the next morning by my screams and cries. Later I felt so guilty, because my oldest, christian, said to my husband...I keep hearing mommy screaming. I have had three dreams about momma, and she never talked to me in my dreams, until the last one. Anyhow, I am rambling on, this is like therapy for me. Posted by Picasa

Friday, September 23, 2005

The Day Momma Passed On...

The events of the Day Mom Passed
We didn�t' expect this at all. She passed three days after starting chemo. She had a really bad night, dad was up rubbing her back all night, she was in pain, and was using a nebulizor to help with her breathing. We were told that the third day of chemo is the worst...but I guess mom couldn�t handle the toxicity. Just twenty four hours, maybe more, before she passed, I asked mom, "So, is chemo as bad as you thought it would be?" She told me no. Well, at about 10:30 am mom woke dad up, because he had fallen asleep from taking care of her. She was talking to him, he asked her if he could get something for her, she was talking with slurred speech. Moms breathing seemed labored, he noticed that her eyes lost focus, and her lips were blue. Dad ran to my bedroom door (I slept late, was up all night with huck...cause he was on the phone with his sister who thought she was dying from a blood clot) and dad beat on the door and said, we need to get mom to the hospital, she is having trouble breathing. What he and I didn't know at that point till we realized later, was that when mom's eyes lost focus...she had left us. Well, I flew out of bed, ran into mom�s room...I didn�t' say it, but I knew she was dead...her eyes were opened, her mouth was was horrible. I screamed for huck, I was freaking out bad... (Huck by the grace of God, was home and didn't have to fly...this is rare) Dad was trying to revive mom and so panicky, as soon as huck got in there, which was pretty much immediate...he checked for vitals, there was none, he and dad lifted her to the floor and huck started CPR. I was wailing and begging God, I am sure I was heard outside our house too. I called 911, they sent someone out...I felt like I had been punched in the chest...I thought my world had still feels a lot that way.

Not sure how long paramedics took to get there, but it was too late...although Huck did not stop trying. After the paramedics got there, they still had huck doing chest compressions, and he was so tired that they worked with a two man team doing chest comppressions and the other doing the breating. They stopped at almost an hour later...My poor husband didn�t' give up till the paramedics told him...that there was no saving her...there was no heart activity...nothing for them to use paddles on...she was gone before Huck started cpr. I feel so guilty, my husband was so tired and in tears saying to me..."I am so sorry I couldn�t save her for you. We held each other and cried...I assured him that there was nothing he could have done...that it was God's decision. I still hurt so badly, when I think of how hard my husband tried to save my mom...and the trauma he went through seeing her that way...she was gone, and it was useless. I told my friend Marie, that I wish I hadn�t' made him feel like he had to save her, like he had to bring her back, but she told me, that had he not done what he did...there would have been worse regrets...always the thought..."Could I have done more?" We are all dealing with what ifs right now, and some regrets are creeping in. I knew in the back of my mind we would eventually lose her...we never knew this fast.
My Moms doctor called moments after Huck and the paramedics stopped trying to bring back mom, and Dad had to tell the doctor, "We lost Angie" Dr. Tan said to my Dad..."What....What?....What? can this be?" Dr. Tan thought my mom would be around for a lot longer...He told her that she wasn't terminal. I fear now that the herbals she was on were hiding exactly how much cancer she had in her body, and maybe that her whole body was eaten up, I know I was afraid it was in her brain because of how scatter brained she was. She was such a beautiful woman...After the paramedics left the room, I went in there, they had covered her face...I was so grieved that I almost laid directly on top of her like Paul did when he as praying for God to bring back someone that was dead. I held her hand, rubbed her face, kissed her, told her what a good mother she was, over and over again, hoping she could hear me...I told her we would take care of dad....over and over again...till the paramedics made me leave the room...and then they shut the door. While they were in there, they took all her medications...which sucked because I really needed her anti anxiety medication. I know I am rambling, and perhaps I have said too much...But it is all so fresh in my mind. Dad keeps falling apart on us...they were married 31 years...and mom passed at only 50 years young. I need to stay strong for my dad.

 Posted by Picasa

Monday, September 19, 2005

Well, mom had her appointment with the Oncologist. He told her that the Cancerous Mass in her lung has grown by another 1.5cm's. He spoke to her, letting her know, that all that she is feeling right now is symptoms from the cancer, and he can't just keep treating the 'symptoms,' because he needs to treat the cause, thereby eliminating most of the need to treat the symptoms. He was very sweet and supportive, he is a great doctor. He told her that if she isnt' going to finish the treatment, then not to start it. He told her all the possible side effects, and assured her that they will give her meds to help with those also. We addressed the fact that mom wasn't eating and she was nauseated and losing weight. So, Dr Tan gave her a prescription for nausea medicine, and something to increase her appetite. And, praise be to God, they actually work. She is eating great, maybe she can gain a little weight back...she has lost over 40 pounds in the past few months from being nauseated and unable to eat. Mom is so fearful of nausea and vomiting that I believe that is what has kept her from taking chemo up to this point. I told her, :"Mom, you are already what if chemo makes you nauseated too." Plus the doctor has told her that they will give her med for that too. So, starting on tuesday, mom is going to take chemo treatments. Once a week for three weeks, then a week off. After her week off, she will get another CT scan, then we will see if it has given any results. I will keep everyone updated as much as possible.
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Thursday, September 08, 2005


I am not sure exactly how it works, but this is amazingly accurate. Read the full description before looking at the picture.

The picture below has 2 identical dolphins in it. It was used in a case study on stress levels at St. Mary's Hospital.

Look at both dolphins jumping out of the water. The dolphins are identical. A closely monitored, scientific study revealed that, in spite of the fact that the dolphins are identical, a person under stress would find differences in the two dolphins. The more differences a person finds between the dolphins, the more stress that person is experiencing.

Look at the photograph and if you find more than one or two differences you may want to take a vacation.


Scroll down now

No Need to Reply, I'll be on Vacation.  Posted by Picasa

I am having such a hard time right now. I am watching mom get worse and worse...I wake up during the night to give her pain medications. I have to sleep on the couch now so that my alarm every four hours during the evening doesn't wake up huck (this was my idea). I am so stressed...she argues with me about taking her pain meds...then I agreed with her one night and told her we would wait an extra hour to take it, then when I gave it to her, she was in pain and asked why I made her wait so long. I am at my wits end. Please continue to pray for mom and for my sanity in this whole situation. Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

We finally talked to Christian about grandma being sick. Here is what happened:
I was talking to dh in the kitchen and told him I was going to make a doctors appointment to get medication (zoloft) and Christian jumped in and said, why do you need medicine you arent' hyper (his adhd medication) Well, I said to christian that sometimes mommy gets depressed and their is medication to help that. He immediately said to me..."Are you sad cause you think Grandma is gonna die?" Wow, me and my husband were floored. So, we talked to him about what grandma has, and that we are praying for healing, but that she might pass away, whether it be from cancer or something else. He watched our dog sadie pass away, I know that is different, but I think it might help him know what death is...he saw us bury sadie too. We asked him if he wanted to ask us any questions and he said no, and we told him if he ever needed to ask us something that he could. So, he knows that grandma could die...but I dont know if he really comprehends it...maybe he does, because of what he said to me....he must also be sad. Posted by Picasa

Saturday, August 20, 2005

8/18/05 PET SCAN results revealed the the cancer cells looks to be spreading across her chest near her right lung also, shows it in the lymh nodes her collar bone too. Doc said no radiation at this point, recommends chemo. Doctor told her she has possibly 18 months - 4 yrs to live given treatment results. And told her she is stage 3b not 4 after studying her records some more. We are holding out for a miracle...No decision yet on chemo or not. Update...the PET scan revealed that the cancer is NO LONGER in her lymph nodes below her diaphram. NO CANCER IN HER BRAIN OR OTHER ORGANS...PRAISE GOD. MY GOD IS IN THE MIRACLE BUSINESS, AND ALL PROMISES ARE YES IN CHRIST JESUS. I CLAIM MY MIRACLE FOR MY MOTHER RIGHT NOW! Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Two dreams and a Cure for Cancer?

Ok, the day after we were told that Mom has cancer, I woke up from a nap, came into the living room, where mom was sitting, and she started to tell me about a dream she had. She proceeded to tell me that she was at her Mothers house, whom died about 9 yrs ago. And her Mother took her to a calendar hanging on the wall; this was a 1997 calendar, with an Indian on it. Then my sister calling her on the phone awakened my Mom from her dream. My sister proceeded to tell her about Essiac tea, which my mom had in the house, but forgot about. My mom wouldn’t have known the importance of this tea, had she not received a message in the form of a dream from God.

As soon as she had finished telling me of this dream…I thought, “Wow, I just dreamt about Grandma too!” So, I told her about my dream. We were in an ethnic type restaurant, which at first I thought was Mexican; because that is the only ‘ethnic’ type food we eat. There were statues of elephants, and other statues, which I don’t quite remember. But I do remember thinking in my dream, “Why is Grandma not complaining about all these statues?” Because she took the 10 commandments very, very seriously…and a statue was an idol to her. She stopped going to the Catholic Church because of statues. In my dream, we were walking by a broken statue of a serpent type. A dragon or a snake, hard to make out…it was broken into pieces. I looked at it and said, “Awe that is a shame, maybe they can fix it.”

When I finished telling mom of this dream, we pondered what it meant. Once we figured out it was an Asian restaurant, not Mexican, because of the statues of elephants with dots in between their eyes, Mom immediately said…”My memory has been bad, I hear curry is good for your memory. Curry being used a lot in Asian foods. I thought, “Wow, God is telling us both something.”

I got online to do a search for Curry, I typed in the search box, “Curry Cancer.” Guess what popped up! Articles saying the Curry (Cur cumin) destroys Cancer. I wouldn’t have known that on my own, and wouldn’t have thought to search for it either. God is so great…I lay in bed that night, astonished by the days events. I do wonder though, about that broken serpent statue...could that symbolize the Cancer being defeated?

Here is a little about Essiac tea:

Essiac - A Remarkable Canadian Indian Remedy For Cancer
"Essiac is an herbal cancer remedy used successfully for more than 50 years to treat many forms of terminal cancer. Learn how it works, where it comes from, why the AMA vehemently opposes it, and how you can get it. Includes case histories, statements from medical doctors who endorse it, and the results from medical institutions that tested it. Find out why this amazing product is also considered to be an extremely effective immune system enhancer, even for people not suffering from a particular disease. Anyone can obtain Essiac without a prescription."

Here is an article on it…great info:

Mom has Lung Cancer

D Day....
On August 3, 2005, what I now call D Day (diagnosis day); we went into the Doctors office to get the results of mom’s brochoscophy. We knew something was wrong, she wanted to just pick up the results the day before…but they wouldn’t allow it…she had to see the doctor.
Since this doctor was not an Oncologist, he couldn’t tell us what stage it was, he did however tell us it was Non small cell lung cancer type adenocarcinoma. He told us this type is the slower growing type. After a bit of crying and talking to the doctor, he gave her some prescriptions for acid reflux, because the procedure he had done to biopsy the lymph nodes also revealed a hiatal hernia.
During the procedure, from what I can tell, he went into the esophagus and looked around with a camera, he biopsied some lymph nodes, he found a hole in her esophagus and did some looking around to some of her other organs, the report said they looked good.
He noted that the lymph nodes looked necrotic and saw some necrotic debris. The biggest mass in her left lung is 10cm. Back in march it was only 8cm.
Mom had her gallbladder taken out in February, then started having the breathing problems, thus the chest x-rays and scans. They did the first biopsy, and it came back negative, so did the second biopsy. From what we figure, and from a comment the doctor had made, we believe they biopsied the diaphragm instead of the lung mass. Her Diaphragm is stuck in the up position. The Oncologist said this very likely might be due to nerve damage from the cancer.
Well, onto the first Oncologist appointment. The Oncologist we were giving an appointment with was Dr. Han. He was a very nice man, he spent a good hour or so on the phone trying to track down moms x-rays and scans. Our appointment time was at 9:30am, and we didn’t leave till nearly 1:30pm. He was very informative, answered all of our questions. His recommended course of treatment was radiation and chemo. He said the mass is too big, and mom is in stage 4, and could not be operated on. The cancer has gone into mom’s lymph nodes, and into the lymph nodes below her diaphragm. A PET scan next week should reveal where exactly it has moved to into her body.
The first couple of days after this diagnoses were like a blur, like I was moving through life looking into a hazy tunnel. Not sleeping well at night, and wanting to sleep during the day. I will post all I can here about treatments and such that mother receives. Please continue to be a prayerful and power source of hope and inspiration for her.

Thursday, July 14, 2005

Ugh, Hurricane Dennis�.Ok, the day after Marie left to go home to Virginia beach, we had to evacuate because hurricane Dennis was headed right towards us. We had to cut down four trees in the back yard, cause they were at high risk for falling on the house. So, we boarded up, put things in the garage, packed up and drove to Jacksonville. Hurricane Dennis came onshore Sunday and ripped through Milton and Bagdad Florida. The News is downplaying the storm, saying we dodged a big one�well, that is because it didn�t hit Pensacola head on. Santa Rosa County was hit way worse than when hurricane Ivan hit us 10 months ago. Man, we have been in our house, a year today, and have been hit with two category three hurricanes already. Our neighbor next door had the screened in enclosure around their pool flattened by a huge tree, they say they are going to move in six weeks, that they can�t take any more hurricanes. Our neighbors across the street say they are gonna give it two more years before they decide. Milton and Bagdad have been devastated, you can view aerials of the damage at and click on the photos section. There are also pictures at my picture blog at
We were very blessed and fortunate again. We came home to minimal damage Tuesday, we had evacuated to Jacksonville. There was a tree on our roof, but no damage. It just barely missed our chimney. Our swing set was blown over and spun around in circles, according to our neighbors. It received minor damage; the ladder to the slide is a bit bent, but still quite usable to the boys. There is several large trees down in the backyard, it is going to take us awhile to get it all cleaned up. We have till September to get all the debris to the roadside for pick up.
I had laid hands on our front door and prayed for God�s protective hand on our home, and he did protect it. Praise God.
We got our power back on yesterday, so we spent only one night without power because we stayed in Jacksonville two days after the storm passed. I sure couldn�t have handled another night in this hot, hot house.
Anyhow, that is about all I can think of now about the storm. Will post more later on other stuff that is going on. Posted by Picasa

Wow, it has been quite a while since my last post. But it has been a busy month. For three weeks, my best friend Marie came and visited me with her kids from Virginia Beach. It was a great visit; we swam in the pool, went to the Naval Aviation Museum, went to Perdido Key beach, and overall had a fabulous time. We (Huck and I) took her and the kids to our favorite restaurants, Red Barn and La Hacienda. We watched tons of movies together, spent 4th of July together, and celebrated her son Bobby�s 7th birthday too. We also went to a friend�s house for a little bit of card making�the time went by way too fast. I can�t wait till she comes back to visit, or till we move back to Virginia Beach. This picture is of Marie and I at Red Barn Barbque. Posted by Picasa

Sunday, June 05, 2005

THE QURAN This was sent to me today via email...a very good article... THE QURAN
by Ali Al-Ahmed
Wall Street Journal May 20, 2005

With the revelation that a copy of the Quran may have been desecrated by U.S. military personnel at Guantanamo Bay, Muslims and their governments -- including that of Saudi Arabia -- reacted angrily. This anger would have been understandable if the U.S. government's adopted policy was to desecrate our Quran. But even before the Newsweek report was discredited, that was never part of the allegations.

As a Muslim, I am able to purchase copies of the Quran in any bookstore in any American city, and study its contents in countless American universities. American museums spend millions to exhibit and celebrate Muslim arts and heritage. On the other hand, my Christian and other non-Muslim brothers and sisters in Saudi Arabia -- where I come from -- are not even allowed to own a copy of their holy books. Indeed, the Saudi government desecrates and burns Bibles that its security forces confiscate at immigration points into the kingdom or during raids on Christian expatriates worshiping privately.

Soon after Newsweek published an account, later retracted, of an American soldier flushing a copy of the Quran down the toilet, the Saudi government voiced its strenuous disapproval. More specifically, the Saudi Embassy in Washington expressed "great concern" and urged the U.S. to "conduct a quick investigation."

Although considered as holy in Islam and mentioned in the Quran dozens of times, the Bible is banned in Saudi Arabia. This would seem curious to most people because of the fact that to most Muslims, the Bible is a holy book. But when it comes to Saudi Arabia we are not talking about most Muslims, but a tiny minority of hard-liners who constitute the Wahhabi Sect.

The Bible in Saudi Arabia may get a person killed, arrested, or deported. In September 1993, Sadeq Mallallah, 23, was beheaded in Qateef on a charge of apostasy for owning a Bible. The State Department's annual human rights reports detail the arrest and deportation of many Christian worshipers every year. Just days before Crown Prince Abdullah met President Bush last month, two Christian gatherings were stormed in Riyadh. Bibles and crosses were confiscated, and incinerated. (The Saudi government does not even spare the Quran from desecration. On Oct. 14, 2004, dozens of Saudi men and women carried copies of the Quran as they protested in support of reformers in the capital, Riyadh. Although they carried the Qurans in part to protect themselves from assault by police, they were charged by hundreds of riot police, who stepped on the books with their shoes, according to one of the protesters.)

As Muslims, we have not been as generous as our Christian and Jewish counterparts in respecting others' holy books and religious symbols. Saudi Arabia bans the importation or the display of crosses, Stars of David or any other religious symbols not approved by the Wahhabi establishment. TV programs that show Christian clergymen, crosses or Stars of David are censored.

The desecration of religious texts and symbols and intolerance of varying religious viewpoints and beliefs have been issues of some controversy inside Saudi Arabia. Ruled by a Wahhabi theocracy, the ruling elite of Saudi Arabia have made it difficult for Christians, Jews, Hindus and others, as well as dissenting sects of Islam, to visibly coexist inside the kingdom.

Another way in which religious and cultural issues are becoming more divisive is the Saudi treatment of Americans who are living in that country: Around 30,000 live and work in various parts of Saudi Arabia. These people are not allowed to celebrate their religious or even secular holidays. These include Christmas and Easter, but also Thanksgiving. All other Gulf states allow non-Islamic holidays to be celebrated.

The Saudi Embassy and other Saudi organizations in Washington have distributed hundreds of thousands of Qurans and many more Muslim books, some that have libeled Christians, Jews and others as pigs and monkeys. In Saudi school curricula, Jews and Christians are considered deviants and eternal enemies. By contrast, Muslim communities in the West are the first to admit that Western countries -- especially the U.S. -- provide Muslims the strongest freedoms and protections that allow Islam to thrive in the West. Meanwhile Christianity and Judaism, both indigenous to the Middle East, are maligned through systematic hostility by Middle Eastern governments and their religious apparatuses.

The lesson here is simple: If Muslims wish other religions to respect their beliefs and their Holy book, they should lead by example.

Mr. al-Ahmed is director of the Saudi Institute in Washington. Posted by Hello

Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Can you imagine looking through a telescope into space and God is looking back in the other end of the telescope?


This was entirely too cool not to share!

This is a real picture.......

 Posted by Hello

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

If you can start the day without caffeine,

If you can get going without pep pills,
If you can always be cheerful, ignoring aches and pains,

If you can resist complaining and boring people with your troubles,

If you can eat the same food every day and be grateful for it,
If you can understand when your loved ones are too busy to give you any time,

If you can take criticism and blame without resentment,

If you can ignore a friend's limited education and never correct him,

If you can resist treating a rich friend better than a poor friend,

If you can conquer tension without medical help,

If you can re lax without liquor,

If you can sleep without the aid of drugs,

...Then You Are Probably The Family Dog!  Posted by Hello

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Well, a lot is going on. Moms lungs have started hurting, and they still haven't gotten home from over the would think that with the severity of it, at least it sounds severe, that she would want to get home and get a biopsy done. I am so angry with her and dad, I don't think they are doing what they need to, to get her home soon enough. Days ago, the doctor told her..."You need to come in NOW” Well, it is almost four or five days later, and each day I talk to her, it is, "oh, we will be home tomorrow” Well, as you can see, I am pretty frustrated and upset...and worried.

Anyhow, enough of that, I have been pretty busy in the yard. A lot of the grass died out from all the leaves that we didn’t finish raking up after hurricane Ivan. So, I have started trying to get some of the dead leaves off the grass, and get the yard prepped for some heavy seeding. I have also pretty much finished the landscaping in the front of the house. I am considering, raking up all the pine needles and leaves from the woodsy section in between each side of our house, and putting down red much. Someone down the street did that, and it looks pretty good. I might also plant some Azaleas and Hydrangeas.

I haven’t done much reading or writing lately. And I know God is impressing it on me to do so, I need to be obedient. Seems like something is always getting in the way. I am not sure what I want to write; I enjoy small articles and devotions. Until I find a larger topic, that may be where I focus my efforts.

Anyhow, there is so much to do, and so little time to do it. So I am off for now…Chelle…Out…LOL, I watch too much American Idol!

 Posted by Hello

On a musical note, American Idol last night totally rocked! Bo Bice was amazing. Each contestant (there are three remaining) sang three songs each. First up was Vonzell Solomon, then Bo Bice, and Carrie Underwood. Vonzell’s first song was by Dionne Warwick, which was picked by guest judge, Clive Davis…her second song was “Chain, Chain, Chain; Chain of fools,” she sang it well, but I think I like Fantasia Barrinos version a lot better. Then for her last song which was judge’s choice, she sang Donna Summer’s “On the Radio,” it was great. But not great enough for me to vote for her when it is down to the last three contestants.

Bo’s first song was “Don’t let the sun go down on me,” by Elton John, picked by guest judge. Now I never would have pictured Bo singing an Elton John song, but, as Randy Jackson would say, “he rocked it out,” and it was the best version I have ever heard…he definitely “made it his own.” For his second song, he sang a song by Badlands, he preformed it a Capella; yep, he sang it with no music or band at all, and hit every note flawlessly. It went over very well with all the fans and judges…Bo is my choice for the winner. His last song, which was judge’s choice, was…

Carrie’s first song was “Crying,” by Roy Orbison, again, picked by the guest judge. Her second song was “Out of nothing at all,” by Air Supply; she again, performed well, but not the best performance. For her last song, which was judges choice, she sang, Shania Twain’s “Man, I feel like a woman.” She performed it well, but not sure I like it was well as the original. Again, not good enough to have my vote at this stage of the competition.

 Posted by Hello

Saturday, May 14, 2005

Well, yesterday I got some not so good news. Mom called to tell me that the doctor called with her results from her dye injected x-ray thingy...not sure what the name for it is. Well, she has three tumors in her left lung. Before she had this procedure done, she was told she was fine and didn’t' have lung cancer. Well, she has had problems breathing, so she pressed the issue and got mri's and x-rays and stuff. They told her she had a paralyzed diaphragm, and that there was nothing she could do about it. Well, she pressed the issue, and had them do this last test. And...Well, three tumors.

The doctor wanted them home ASAP for a biopsy, but they are working right now (over the road truckers). Well, they will be home in a couple days, we are stressed about it, at least I know I am. We had planned on going to Disney World next weekend, but now we are not so sure about that. All of my dear friends that read this; please pray for my mom, her name is Angie Brazzell. I will keep my blog updated on her status. Posted by Hello

Monday, May 09, 2005

COLUMBUS, Ga. - Following hundreds of angry phone calls and e-mails, school officials in this Army base city have reduced a suspension imposed on a student who wouldn't give up his cell phone while talking to his mom — a sergeant on duty in

The angry calls about the boy's suspension got so bad at one point that secretaries had to take their phones off the hook, assistant principal Alfred Parham said.

Kevin Francois, a 17-year-old junior at Spencer High School, was suspended for 10 days for disorderly conduct Wednesday after a teacher told him to give up his cell phone outside the school during his lunch break and he refused, the teen said.

The boy said he had not expected the call from his mother, Sgt. 1st Class Monique Bates, who left in January for a one-year tour.

The teacher says the confrontation happened in a hallway, not outside, and that Francois never said the call was with his mother.

The Muscogee County School District Board of Education allows students to have cell phones in school but not to use them during school hours.

The punishment for violating that policy is that the phone is confiscated until the end of the day. But Francois was suspended for cursing and being defiant, said Parham. That was extended to 10 because "he did not want to accept the three-day suspension and to agree that he would not use the cell phone openly or curse."

"We are empathetic to all students whose parents serve in the armed forces ... (but) we do have behavior standards which we uphold," said Superintendent John A. Phillips Jr.

On Friday, the school district reduced the suspension to three days, which will allow Francois to return to school Monday, after officials met with him, the guardian who cares for him while his mother is out of the country, and a representative of her unit.

"People are fussing at us, calling us names," said assistant principal Wendell Turner.

"We are the school that serves Fort Benning," Turner said. "We're well aware of students with parents overseas."

Parham said, however, that Francois' behavior at school has been "a chronic problem."

And Francois added: "I'm not a golden child and I've been wrong, but I was right this time." Posted by Hello

Friday, May 06, 2005

Student Suspended for Call to Mom in Iraq

Student Suspended for Call to Mom in Iraq

COLUMBUS, Ga. (AP) - A high school student was suspended for 10 days for refusing to end a mobile phone call with his mother, a soldier serving in Iraq, school officials said.

The 10-day suspension was issued because Kevin Francois was ``defiant and disorderly'' and was imposed in lieu of an arrest, Spencer High School assistant principal Alfred Parham said.

The confrontation Wednesday began after the 17-year-old junior got a call at lunchtime from his mother, Sgt. 1st Class Monique Bates, who left in January for a one-year tour with the 203rd Forward Support Battalion.

Mobile phones are allowed on campus but may not be used during school hours. When a teacher told him to hang up, he refused. He said he told the teacher, ``This is my mom in Iraq. I'm not about to hang up on my mom.''

Parham said the teen's suspension was based on his reaction to the teacher's request. He said the teen used profanity when taken to the office.

``Kevin got defiant and disorderly,'' Parham said. ``When a kid becomes out of control like that they can either be arrested or suspended for 10 days. Now being that his mother is in Iraq, we're not trying to cause her any undue hardship; he was suspended for 10 days.''

On the Net:

OK, now as a military wife, this makes me ill. When you have a family member in Iraq, or another place that is at war, you don't just not take the call, I could be talking with the president of the United States and still take the call. It is not easy for the troops in Iraq to just get away to make a phone call. This principle made me so mad, I wrote her and the assistant principles this letter:

I read an article online that said you suspended a boy for taking a call from his mother in Iraq, how appalling of you to do so. As a military wife, I completely understand what this boy is going through. We a family member is in Iraq, you don't have scheduled times to call.... you take their call when it comes in. This whole situation makes me sick, and you should be ashamed of yourself. Sometimes, we need to just let things slide.

Michelle Collins
Military wife of 10 yrs

Now, what I recommend you do, is visit the school website, and email the principle and vice principles to let them know what an outrage this is. No hate mail please, just let them know what they have done is very, very wrong.

Their email addresses are:

Olivia T. Rutledge
Assistant Principals
Alfred Parham
Wendell Turner

 Posted by Hello

Seemed like it took forever, but Huck is done with Primaries. He scored high enough for Jets, but didn’t want jets. He picked Helos and got it. So, basically, that means we don’t have to move again right away…we will be here in Florida for probably another year, give or take a few months. I am kinda glad, cause I wasn’t ready to move again, I feel like I just got settled in, the only way I am ready to move is if we are going straight back to Virginia Beach.

Huck is going to take leave soon, for probably a few weeks, and get some stuff done around the house, like painting, putting up the trim, putting up gutters and a fence. Also, we are talking about going to Orlando with the kids. I am not looking forward to that drive, but looking forward to getting time out as a family. I feel like things have been so crazy the past year, Huck has been here, but he hasn’t mentally been here, if you get my meaning. He has been so wrapped up in school; studying and flying…it will be nice to get a brake.

I have gotten so much done in the yard lately, that I am losing weight in the process…that is nice when you do something that has to be done, and benefit from it. I have dropped one pants size, and I feel so much better. I have also been eating healthier…I am eating more fruits and vegetables, and instead of ground beef, I use ground turkey. And instead of burgers, I have soy burgers or veggie burgers.

Anyhow, that is just a quick update on what has been going on.
 Posted by Hello

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

When the world sees our sinful behavior…

by michelle collins

Yesterday, I learned quite a lesson…from a non-believer. I was emailing a playgroup that I belong to for local moms in my area about someone that had made me angry, not someone in the playgroup; it was something not even relevant to them or the group itself. I proceeded to tell them how I felt about this person and what they had said and done, and about how it made me feel (what I should have done was prayed about it); I did this without choosing my words wisely, and got an unexpected response.

This ‘non-believer’ told me in an email that what I said was not very Christian of me. Whoa! Wait a minute…what did she say? I immediately felt like my faith was being attacked and at first I was quite upset at her. Then the Lord gently told me, “She’s right, you are supposed to be representing me.” And I thought to myself, “What if I have lost my chance to be a living witness to this person, have I made all Christians look badly?”

God immediately reminded me of Matthew 5:14-15 “You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven.” Had I hidden my light? No, it was in full view of the world, shining brightly the very thing that I shouldn’t have said. And God used the person I should have been witnessing to, to tell me about it.

How can a non-believer praise our God, when His followers are acting contrary to His Word? 1Corinithians 4:1 says: “So then, men ought to regard us as servants of Christ and as those entrusted with the secret things of God.” As believers, we must remember that our behavior is almost always looked upon differently than the rest of the world’s behavior. We must let our light shine, instead of letting it be smothered out by our sinful behavior. Or rather, have a huge spotlight shown on it. God says we are a city on a hill, and we cannot be hidden, what are you doing out in plain view of the rest of the world?

Imagine the unbeliever that has had an incident with a ‘Christian” behaving badly. That non-believer may think, “Gosh, if that is what Jesus is all about, I don’t want any part of it!” When we sin and the world sees it, and knows we are ‘Christian’, it is like crucifying Christ all over again. We are making a mockery of Christ and other Christians.

In 2 Corinthians 5:20, it says that we are Christ’s ambassadors, and that He is making an appeal through us to the world. What kind of appeal are you making with your actions and behavior? I had made one of resentment and anger, totally contrary to the nature of Christ.

I sinned in my anger, instead of doing good so that my Father in Heaven may be praised. I am reminded of Ephesians 4:26-27 26"In your anger do not sin: Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, 27and do not give the devil a foothold.” This is the very thing that I had done, I sinned in my anger, and God had to remind me that I need to behave like a servant of Christ, entrusted with the very secrets things of God. This is one lesson that I hope is learned, and not repeated.

Saturday, April 30, 2005

Yesterday & the Morning...

Gosh, looks like no yard work today. It is pouring outside, and we are currently under a tornado watch or something like that. I woke up at 9am, by the sound of rain. I looked at the clock, and saw that it was 9am; I couldn't believe it was still dark inside the house, I looked outside and the rain was coming down in barrels, and the clouds were black! So, guess it is inside today for me and the boys. What about dear hubby? Ahhh.... he is in Texas right now, probably having nice weather. He left yesterday for a cross-country flight that will keep him there till Sunday evening.

I am telling ya, I had such a hard time falling asleep last night. There is something creepy about being in the country, living in the woods, in a big house and alone at night with just the kids. I kept praying for Gods protection. I even kept getting up and checking on the boys. Now it is morning, and the kids and I are ok. Thank you Lord.

Yesterday was pretty good. It started off bad, because I was grumpy about my birthday the previous day…. then, I got online to check my email and saw that two of my best friends from high school signed my guest book. I was so happy to hear from them…and they wished me a happy birthday!!! Sherri and Sonya were gals on the dance team with me, called “The Pony Express”, now those were some happy days. High school was a blast!! I attended Middleburg High School in Middleburg, Florida, aka: Redneck Tech or Hillbilly High. LOL - We all graduated in June of 1994. I actually missed my 10-year reunion last year because we were in the process of moving from Virginia to here in Milton, Florida…thanks a lot United States Navy!! Just kidding, I love the Navy.

Anyhow, after getting cheered up by the emails from my old school pals, I headed off to Benny Russell Park in Pace. Elijah at first was kinda clingy, wanted me to stay with him, then he was off to play abit. He was in the sandbox when we heard a loud “POP”, and then seconds later, loud crackling and a huge lightshow from a transformer exploding. There was smoke all around and the kids and parents freaked out. A lot of them left. One of the ladies I was with called 911, at that point we were sure the trees were going to catch fire due to the smoke. But shortly after the call, the smoke dissipated and there was no fire. The police and firemen showed up and then shortly left. Elijah continued to play, then he got lost up in a big maze that looked kinda like a wooden castle, he was crying that he couldn’t find me and that he was lost. I freaked, I tried to find him in all the mazes and couldn’t. I had to get another kid that was his age, to bring him down, come to find out, there was a hidden entryway easily missed that I kept passing. He was above me and I couldn’t figure out how to get to him. Well, after getting him out we headed home. He got over it and wants to go to the park again.

On the way home, I stopped at Wendy’s to get him a chicken nugget kids meal because he was hungry. At home, I changed clothes and headed out for a little yard work. I will post before and after pictures when I am done. I also mowed the lawn also, well, what little lawn we have, a lot of it died cause we didn’t rake up all the leaves after hurricane Ivan, but it isn’t too bad, I am going to add some centipede grass seed. Anyhow, this is all for now. I will write more tonight if I have the time.

 Posted by Hello

Friday, April 29, 2005

Well, my mom and dad did call late last night to tell me happy birthday, and my inlaws called too, so I feel better about that. My sister even called today and left a message around 2 am, mind you, the day after my birthday, but at least she remembered late. I guess I wouldn't be so upset about all this if it was my 29th birthday, or my 31st birthday. I was gonna make myself a birthday cake, and thought, no, I don't want to take that away from my husband, he might get offended if I make my own cake and not let him have the chance to get me one. Well, he didn't get me one, and what really upset me was when my boys asked me why I didn't have a birthday cake, I told them, "Well, cause daddy didn't get me one." What else could I say, that was when I really got sad. I went to bed around 10:30, then couldn't sleep cause I was so sad. I guess I expected something grand for my BIG 30! Well, here is hoping for a great 50th birthday instead...that is considered the next BIG birthday isn't it? Posted by Hello

Thursday, April 28, 2005

Oh, just wanted to add. My just us moms group, that I have belonged to for almost 5 yrs has all wished me a happy birthday. And also my stamping up consultant Elizabeth and some great military wives I know from my group Also, my sweet friend Matthew, who turns 71 Tomorrow!! Happy early birthday Matthew!! Posted by Hello

Happy Birthday to Me...

Well, Today is the big day, my 30th birthday. This is a day that I thought would be special...ya know, kinda a milestone birthday. I really don't care about being 30, I can remember when I was little and my mom was turning thirty, you would've thought someone had died she was so upset and sad. A couple years ago, I threw a surprise birthday party for a friend of mine that turned one has done that for me, leaving me very disappointed. I know this sounds pathetic, but hey, this is my blog, and I will cry if I want to...LOL. Not one of my friends has called me to say happy birthday, my best friend did call, but she didn't remember my birthday, so I didn't say anything. My parents haven't even called, neither has my only sister. I guess I am forgettable. My husband was sweet and left me a birthday card on the kitchen counter this morning, and took me out to dinner at ruby tuesdays. Even the boys were so sweet today, they both helped me out in the yard, pulling weeds and stuff. I guess I am just a little sad, last year, back in Virginia, our neighbor had a 30th birthday party, the whole culdesac was filled up like a parking lot, and we had a big culdesac. I need to just rejoice in my heart that God has blessed me, so that I may bless others. This may be God wanting me to be more sympathetic to all others in the future on special occasions. If that is why everyone has forgotten, well, then that is ok with me....But I think I need some "forgivenall." Posted by Hello


This is from the reading I did today, from “The Purpose Driven Life.” This chapter really made me smile as I read it today.



* They will be called oaks of righteousness, a planting of the LORD for the display of his splendor. Isaiah 61:3 (NIV)
* You created everything, and it is for your pleasure that they exist and were created. Revelation 4:11 (NLT)
* For the LORD takes delight in His people: He crowns the humble with salvation. Psalm 149:4 (NIV)

Wow, God created us for His pleasure, not to rule over us, or to bully us, but because it pleased Him to do so. Wow, that gives me a warm fuzzy. After reading chapter 8 of the PDL, I know that my first purpose in life is to bring enjoyment to God with my life. When we begin to fully understand this truth, there is no more room for feeling insignificant, unimportant, or like you have no purpose in life. Just this morning, before reading this, on the way to take my son to school, I was pouting inside about feeling unimportant as a stay at home mom, asking God, “What is my Purpose, it can’t be just this?” Only for Him to reveal this truth to me in today’s reading of “The Purpose Driven Life.”

From the scriptures above, we know that we were created for God’s pleasure and his glory. One thing we can do to bring God glory and pleasure is to abide in him, to live every moment for Him as an act of Worship. Something as little as cleaning your house can be done to the glory of God, and for his pleasure…how? Place it before God as an offering, keep your thoughts constantly on Him, and perform your daily tasks with an awareness of His presence.

Rick Warren said this about his wife: “When I first fell in love with my wife, I thought of her constantly: while eating breakfast, driving to school, attending class, waiting in line at the market, pumping gas – I could not stop thinking about this woman! I often talked to myself about her and thought about all the things I loved about her. This helped me feel close to Kay even though we lived several hundred miles apart and attended different collages. By constantly thinking of her, I was abiding in her love. This is what real worship is all about – falling in love with Jesus.” (Page 67 The Purpose Driven Life)

Ask yourself this daily: “What common task could I do for the glory of God, and do as if I were doing it directly for Jesus?”
 Posted by Hello

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Here is what I did a few weeks or more ago for the boys... Their rooms were constantly a mess, It would take me hours to clean them, because the kids wouldn't clean them the way I wanted them. So, I decided I wasn't gonna do it anymore, no more two rooms to is what I did:

I put both the boys beds in one bedroom, and their dressers and clothes in the room with the now they share a bedroom with bunk beds. Prior to doing that, they had both had tv's in their bedrooms, and I had problems with getting them to go to bed at night, they would sneak and watch tv, or play with toys. So, by putting the bunk beds together in the "bedroom" with no toys, and no tv, it is great, they go to sleep no problem, they are a little 'chatty' some nights but not like before. Before, my four year old would be awake til dawn watching tv and playing, I was at my wits end. So now, they have a playroom, all the toys are in there in two different toy boxes, there are two tvs, one hooked up to video games, and one hooked up to dvd/vcr player. So each night before bed, I say, "ok, time for bed, lets go clean up the toy room" then they brush their teeth and etc, and I put them to bed. I can tell ya, after the first night or two of them having to pick up their own toys in the playroom, they now keep it very clean on their own, only a little bit of toys taken out at a time, cause they know they will end up having to pick them up. I don't know what motivated me to do all this, but I am so glad I did it. I get to go to sleep earlier and spend quite time with my husband watching tv or talking without the kids getting out of bed and playing with toys. Posted by Hello

Monday, April 25, 2005

SHADOW....On a happier note, last week shadow went to the vet, she is healthy and now has her vaccinations....and I am out 120 dollars...LOL. But she is worth it. Once we know for sure that she is not pregnant, then we will get her fixed. But if she is pregnant, we will let her have the kittens and when they are weaned, we will have Shadow fixed. Posted by Hello

GOOD-BYE SASSY.....Well, after two weeks, we gave up on sassy. She hated our other animals, she stayed hidden all day in our room, and at night when she came out to eat and potty, the scowling and hissing would keep us up all night. I swear it sounded like cougars on animal planet. Thankfully, we found a home for her today, a nice lady came by to see her, held her for awhile then decided she wanted her. Now it will be so much quieter around the house at night when we are sleeping. I hope she has a great new home. Happy Trails to Sassy. Posted by Hello

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Christian had a game last night, boy it was agonizing to watch....they lost 3-13. Christian still had fun though, he loves it. Today I haven't really done much. I did the dishes, a couple loads of laundry and some vacumming. Will probably do some more later. Posted by Hello

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Here are the boys opening day at the park. Posted by Hello

Opening day at the Park

Wow, where do I begin, we had a busy, busy weekend. The boys had their first game this weekend. I had to have them at the baseball park at 7:45am for pictures, then christian had his pictures an hour later, then we had opening ceremonies. Elijah's t-ball game was at 11am, then Christians game was at noon. Following Christians noon game he had another game at three. Huck and I were so sunburned when we got home. I left about 2:30 in the afternoon, cause I had been there all day, Huck got to the field at around 11. Huck and Christian didn't get home til around 6:30, what a long day for Christian!!! Elijahs team won their game, Christians team lost the first one and won the second one. Huck and I were so burned we had to rub lots of noxema on to alleve some of the burn pain and hotness. And we set the air conditioner that night to 65.
Anyhow, I am anxious to see how this baseball/t-ball season will play out, with it being both the boys' first years. Since saturday, we have had a game on sunday (which elijah missed cause no one told us about it, go figure) And Elijah and christian had a game on monday night, and Christian had a game tonight and then elijah has a game this coming thursday while Christian has practice., and then Christian has an away game this saturday in Navarre. I never knew that baseball had so many games in one week! Whew! But, both the boys love it!!

Thursday, April 14, 2005

Well, today was unproductive, well, not totally, I scheduled two doctor apts for christian, and one for me. I called the Vet to check on the prices to get Shadow fixed/declawed and vaccinated, gonna cost around 300 dollars!! So, I told hubby I better get started selling some stuff on ebay. LOL On a different note: The boys were supposed to have T-ball/baseball practice tonight, and I got them all dressed, cleats on and all, got them in the car, tried to start it, and nothing!! Didnt even try to turn over. I figure there is some reason God didn't want them to go today. Other than that, so far, pretty uneventful day. Posted by Hello

Wow, by the end of the night last night I was exhausted!!! I got my entire bedroom cleaned, I even shampooed the carpet. So, by midnight I was in bed, but wouldn't ya know it, I couldn't sleep. I tossed and turned all night long. I think it may be the diet pills I am on...which is giving me all this motivation/engery to clean. Update on Sassy, our new cat, she is so funny, she slept in our closet all day long yesterday, just to avoid the other cats and our dog pippin. At night she comes out to eat and go potty. When it was time for me to go to be, i put her in the laundry room because I am still watching her to learn what she will or won't get into. This morning Sassy was confronted by the two other cats and the dog at the same time, she hissed and groweled saying, leave me the h*ll alone!! Then when they all backed off of her, Pepper, our male cat decided to chase her around the house, which lead her right back to our closet, nice and safe near the shoes. So funny the way animals act, almost the way humans do. LOL Posted by Hello